Social program

Social program during ETOPIM12 in Besançon, France

Reception, Tuesday

Starting from 19:00, we will gather outside the theater for a Wine & Cheese party. You will have the opportunity to experience some of the local products. Please note that this is not intended to be a full dinner. The place is the same as the conference venue.


Group Photo, Wednesday

At 15:00 in front of the ENSMM we will have the group photo.

Excursion, Wednesday

Around 15:15 a bus will take us toward the Citadelle de Besançon, a famous defensive castle sitting on a hill above the city center. English-speaking guides have been arranged for a short visit. You will have the opportunity to visit a number of small museums, a zoo, and to walk all along the ramparts of the citadel. This activity is perfectly suitable for children. 

The bus will depart from the venue and take us directly to the CItadelle. When the excursion is over, simply walk back to your hotel or grab a bus.

If you need to locate the Citadelle on Google Maps, look for "Citadelle de Besançon, Rue des Fusillés de la Résistance, Besançon".


Google map:

qr_citadelle_1.png citadelle.jpeg

Dinner, Thursday

We will meet around 20:00 at the Hotel Mercure, located alongside the Doubs river in the city center. Food and drinks will be served on the grounds of the hotel. In case of rain, we will fall back inside a salon in the hotel. The Micaud park is located just in front, with access to the river banks.

Look for "Hôtel Mercure Besançon Parc Micaud, Avenue Edouard Droz, Besançon" in Google Maps, or use GPS coordinates "47.243123231579574, 6.033136136982666", or Google map:

qr_citadelle_2.png mercure.jpeg

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