For participants > Registration fees

ETOPIM12 will be run as a hybrid conference, both on-site and on-line. A single session format will be used, to minimize technical risks and ensure maximal exposure to all selected talks.

On-line attendance will be possible on the Zoom videoconferencing system. Presenters are strongly encouraged to attend on-site. Presenters that are not able to join physically will be required to provide a pre-recorded video of their talk before the conference begins, that will be played by the conference organizers, and to connect online to answer questions.

On-site registration fees include all coffee breaks and lunches for the 5 days of the conference. If sanitary conditions allow, a conference banquet or garden party and an excursion will be organized. Please note that in case sanitary conditions worsens and we have to move to a fully on-line conference, on-site registrations fees will be reimbursed. The practical organization depends on the registration fees we receive, so please don't delay your registration too much!

In order to register, you first must register with the website. Locate the 'login' scrolling list in the top right corner below the conference banner and follow the instructions.Once you are logged in, a 'MY SPACE' menu will appear in the left menu bar, allowing you to practically control your registration and access secured fee payment. Registration has opened on February first and online payment is active; if yu encounter any trouble please advise us.

On-site conference fee, regular participant: 480 €

On-site conference fee, student participant: 360 €

On-line conference fee, all participants: 180 €

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