For participants > Preparation of presentations

Instructions for preparing your presentation are as follows. please keep in mind that operating the conference in hybrid format imposes us to be quite stringent on the imposed rules.

For all presentations, please allow ample time for questions from the audience, for instance:

  • 8 minutes for a 50 minutes talk,
  • 5 minutes for a 40 or 30 minutes talk,
  • at least 3 minutes for a 20 minutes talk.

Presenters and session chairs will be equipped with a microphone. Questions from the audience on-site will be spoken in microphones so that on-line attendants can listen comfortably. Questions from the audience on-line should preferably be written in the chat of the visioconference software and read by the session chair.

On-site presentations

Please note that since the conference will run in hybrid mode, we have to impose that all presentations (pptx or pdf) are run from a Windows computer running Zoom, displaying on the videoprojector, and operated by an assistant. Hence, you will not be able to connect your own laptop. Instead, we require that you hand us your presentation before the session, so that we can check that it displays correctly. If you plan to include videos in your presentation, please take those constraints into account. If you are using uncommon computer fonts, please consider using the pdf format rather that pptx.

On-line presentations

We ask online presenters to record their talk in advance for instance using Zoom. You can simply create a Zoom meeting, share your slides as you would for a webinar, turning your camera on to make it a bit more lively, and finally press record and start your presentation. When recording is finished, Zoom will save a mp4 file. You can send us that mp4 file before the conference and we can play it ourselves (so your presentation is given even if you have troubles with the connection). You can finally answer the questions live during the session. We would like to receive videos by June 26, so that we have time to check them the week before the conference.

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